Thank you for wanting to become a Sunshine Coast Biosphere partner, collaborator, or supporter.

Before completing the form, learn more about the Sunshine Coast Biosphere and our part to play. Please complete the relevant parts of this form that relate to your category.

For help to determine the right category for you, email

Before completing this form you must read and agree to the Sunshine Coast Biosphere Intellectual Property Terms of Use agreement.

What Sunshine Coast Biosphere status are you seeking?

Sunshine Coast Biosphere Values

Celebrate - we celebrate people and nature.
e.g. arts and culture, award recognition, festivals and events etc.
Participate - we encourage everyone to get involved.
e.g. volunteering, exploring nature, sustainable businesses, buying local etc.
Innovate - we find new and better ways every day.
e.g. tech startups, research, artificial intelligence etc.
Belong - we are part of something bigger.
e.g. welcoming visitors, sport teams and clubs, inclusive, connected neighbourhoods etc.

Q: Describe how your organisation's values align with these Sunshine Coast Biosphere values

Sunshine Coast Biosphere Objectives

People - a Sunshine Coast community that actively fosters and promotes sustainable practices, use and stewardship.
Conservation - conserving, maintaining and enhancing our natural environment from the hinterland to the coast, and connecting people and nature.
Development - demonstrating leadership in delivering a diverse and resilient economy.
Logistical support (research and learning) - inspiring and celebrating creativity, innovation, research and a learning community.

Q: Explain how your organisation aligns with the Sunshine Coast Biosphere objectives?

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Q: Which SDGs do your organisation’s sustainability project/initiatives align with?
To be completed when applying to be a partner.

Provide examples that demonstrate your commitment to sustainable practices.

Further enquiries can be made by emailing
Sunshine Coast Council will use any personal information provided for the intended purpose only, to remain in contact with you and to continually improve your customer service experience.
Council is authorised to collect this information in accordance with the Local Government Act 2009 and other local government Acts. Your personal information is dealt with in accordance with council's Privacy Policy.