Now is the time to think about, 'Is Your Site Right'? How will you prepare your site to make sure the water coming off your site during the rain event is under 50mg/L?
Some ideas for quick checks are outlined below.
For all sites:
- Consult your ESC Plan for site specific contingency measures to be enacted.
- Is the maximum area of land stabilised? Remember polymer soil binders should be sprayed 24 hours prior to rainfall.
- Are all controls in good working order and don’t require maintenance? For example, ensuring ESC devices are free from silt and material to increase capacity.
If your site is steep:
- Have you inspected and reinstated controls to manage slope length?
- Are drains stabilised to convey expected flows (e.g. rock, geofabric)?
If you are working in a watercourse or drainage line through your site:
- Is the diversion drain of sufficient size and stability to convey expected flows?
- Has the work area been stabilised (e.g. geofabric) so that water can flow through without causing damage?
If you have Type D (batch) sediment basin:
- Have you treated and discharged detained water to allow for maximum storage capacity for rain event?